A month ago, Intelligence Bureau officials had sounded off a warning pertaining to a 'Karachi Plot' that was being hatched in Pakistan to target several Indian cities.The plot was initially being hatched by Lashkar-e-Toiba, Al Qaeda's '313' brigade and ISI. Now according to the information bureau (IB) a new co-conspirer has been revealed- the Babbar Khalsa.

If security measures are not stepped up there will soon be more bombings and more civilian casualties. I still say that we don't care what the world says and attack terrorists camps in PoK. Yet every one of my friends will say that we should not attack them. America was attacked just once and the reply the Americans gave was so strong that the terrorists were afraid to even think of attacking them until a few months ago. Even our armed forces are not being strengthened. The 126 multi-role combat aircraft deal has been progressing at a snail's pace(to be precise, 9 years). As Brajesh Mishra said,"9% growth is irrelavant if you do not have the military strength to support it."
Our politicians say we will not tolerate terrorism. They will condemn terrorism. However they are the ones aiding terrorists by not taking action. Our politicians are in one word:SPINELESS. They do not have the courage to take bold decisions. And they never will. Our country will continue getting bombed by terrorists. If the politicians are tough the security system will become tough. And terrorists will think thousand times before planning an attack.
The strength of the military has to be increased to be feared. Stop the red tapism and corruption in the defense deals. The government needs to fulfill its first duty of protecting the citizens. Because the citizens are the ones involved in the growth of a country. We need to remove the tag of soft state and be ruthless against terror.
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