The BNHS is a 126 year old landmark institution that has undertaken pioneering wildlife conservation and research in the country. The funny thing about the attack (which strictly speaking is not funny) is that the BNHS is opposite the Headquarters of the Maharashtra Police and is a kilometre away from the Colaba police station. The inefficiency of the police once again has come to the fore as the Shiv Sainiks damaged the building of BNHS right under the nose of the Maharashtra Police.The way these attacks are going on the next target could well be IIT,Bombay.
It is high time the Government of Maharashtra stop ignoring these attacks. Innocent people are attacked by these fanatics and property worth quite a lot gets damaged as well. The Thackerays think they can never be touched. They really underestimate the power of the people and the power of the law. If the common man loses his cool it is over for the MNS and the Shiv Sena. Just like the employees of a news channel in Mumbai caught and thrashed Shiv Sena supporters for vandalizing their office a few months ago.
To read more about this news,follow this link: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/mumbai/Sena-attacks-BNHS-for-Bombay-in-its-name/articleshow/5673692.cms
Ideally, Raj Thackeray ought to be charged with 'waging war against the nation' under section 121 of the IPC. The prescribed punishment is death or imprisonment for life. The law is there, but the will or gumption to enforce it is missing.
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