Wednesday, January 20, 2010

'India won't have unlimited patience if 26/11 is repeated' says US

The US made it clear on Wednesday that India's patience would be "limited" if it faces a Mumbai-type attack again, as it warned that Lashkar-e-Toiba was working in league with the Al Qaeda to destabilise the region and provoke an Indo-Pak military confrontation.Defence Secretary Robert Gates emphasised the need for "high level of cooperation" from all countries to defeat the "syndicate" of terror, including the LeT, the Taliban and the Tehreek-e-Taliban under the command of the Al Qaeda.

Mr Secretary of Defence, don't worry about patience of the Indian leaders. Even after so many terrorist attacks on our country we have been patient and we will continue to be patient. The reason is simple: our leaders do not have the courage to make bold decisions. When the 9/11 attacks took place what did America do? They bombed Afghanistan to weed out the Taliban. And what did our leaders do after the 26/11 attacks? They warned Pakistan that this would be the last time they would tolerate this sort of incident. We could have attacked Pakistan and destroyed their terror camps. But to keep some other countries happy we did not do any such thing.

That is not all we are continuing to be patient as terrorists across the border keep on attempting to infiltrate into India.India won't have unlimited patience to tolerate another 26/11 attack if and only if we have a leader who does not cower from taking bold decisions. Someone like our late Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi.


Anonymous said...

I agree that India can not take bold decisions like invading unfriendly countries, like America does. But I guess it is more out of prudence than any lack of personal courage of the decision-makers. Think what might have happened if we had declared war on Pakistan after 26/11? What if the US sided with Pak and not India in such a situation?

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