The area along Line of Actual Control with China has 'shrunk' over a period of time and India has lost "substantial" amount of land in the last two decades, says an official report. Ministry of Home Affairs and Army agreed that there was difference in the maps of various agencies and that there was lack of proper mapping of the area. Over a period of 20-25 years India has gradually lost with the Chinese slowly but surely snatching land from the nomadic people who had been using the Dokbug area for grazing their cattle.
Well this is not surprising considering the fact that China is economically as well as militarily stronger than India. But does that mean we don’t have the potential to be better than the Chinese? When China invaded India in 1962, it was the far more superior side. China withdrew from the battle with one message:” We came, we saw and we conquered.” How much have we learnt since then? The Indian leaders are spineless when it comes to confronting the Chinese.
A couple of years ago an outgoing army chief had said Indian army was militarily weaker than the Chinese. He was criticized by one and all, but no attempts were made to improve the army strength by our so called leaders. The Army is also at fault. The raging corruption in the army and the defense ministry is probably one of the reasons why the Arjun tank has not been inducted in large numbers despite having beaten the T-90 tank in trials. Instead of buying a new Aircraft carrier (which by the way would have been cheaper) the defense ministry has insisted on taking the Admiral Gorshkov which is outdated and is being refurbished at a much higher cost to replace INS Viraat.
This corruption needs to stop or else we may soon see a sizeable chunk of the country as a part of China.
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