A cartoonist in a delhi newspaper has depicted a Victoria policeman as a member of hate group Ku Klux Klan in the wake of attacks on Indians.The Klan is an infamous white supremacist hate group that had much influence in America during late 19th and early 20th century.
The cartoon has sparked outrage in Australia with Acting PM Julia Gillard (who has not yet seen the cartoon) saying it to be deeply offensive.The cartoon, published in response to the continuing assaults on Indians in Australia, particularly the murder of 21-year-old student Nitin Garg in Melbourne last weekend, has been described as "wrong" and "terrible" by the Victoria Police Association and Police Minister Bob Cameron.
The picture allegedly showed a person in a Ku Klux Klan hood wearing a Victoria Police badge, with a caption that "We Are Yet To Ascertain The Nature Of The Crime".
Well I say different.The cartoonist has done a very good job of offending the Aussies because they have not even tried to stop the attacks on the Indian community so far. If offending them can spur the Australian(or in this case Victorian ) police into action then its great.But the Australian government is more interested in describing how offended it is than carry on an investigation or try to protect the Indian community. Indians are not the only race of people in Australia. Then why are they being singled out for attack?Well the fact of the matter is that the Australians are racist and there is nothing more to that.
Great to see that you have started blogging, and to set your blog rolling, here's my first comment:
I do not think it is right of you to pass a judgmental remark on Australians and brand them as 'racists', and that you should desist from such mud-slinging, if only you want to avoid that tag yourself. The problem with us Indians is that we are seldom self-critical when commenting on the behaviour of others. If you are perceptive enough to detect racism in the recent spate of attacks on Indians in Australia, you must also be aware of the fact that India and Indians are steeped in racism from ages past, and this continues into the current day. Our attitude to foreigners can hardly be called hospitable, and the countless number of rapes and assaults on foreign tourists in India is burning evidence of this fact. If Aussies are racists, then we are 'lecherous racists', which is worse, as far as specialisations in racism go! The Victorian Police might be sleeping on the job, but then, what has our own Goa Police done to accost the criminals whose activities have caused the state to be branded, in the words of the Goan Tourism Minister himself, the "Rape Capital of India"?
What is happening in Australia is reprehensible by all means, and I do like the Ku-Klux cartoon myself. If anything, it was clever, and hit the nail on the head. Kudos to the cartoonist. But that does not entitle us to call Aussies racists. Our own house is not in order. Racism is a domestic phenomenon in India, where skin colour is still a determining parameter in matrimonial columns. When we have cleared our house, and our minds, of all this muck, we will automatically find ourselves more welcome in other peoples' houses. Respect given, respect earnt.
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